Monday, September 16, 2013

thermotron Mark lamers - Good People don't work here 4 too long


 well yes i guess mark lamers was -- right--

Daniel J o'keefe  just  lie cheat and defraud the customer and the employee's --

no big dean -- they are all currupt--

learn how to lie cheat steal embezzle on company time!!

Thermotron- we give out titles-- and will back stab -- to till you die


  1. Yep Shelly joy post found a job at thermotron and she found her place in the world . Just like John tembrink and
    It's interesting to thermotron see how many people visited John sex,ton after 50 years in Holland Michigan, and 50 years trying to make a living in the Environmental chamber industry. Thermotron offered a job to people who didn't have a education, like tom patterson who motto was after you defraud the first 100 customer,it gets easier, or Bob Wiley, who said it didn't matter if the equipment works just tell the customer it's covered under warranty, or Tom bannach who said everyone will believe his lies,and he has more respect for people who didn't have a education. Or Randy hurtus who eyes would "glaze over" when you talked to him.
    Yes Shelly and John Sexton found a job at thermotron where he could " Be someone" special!!

  2. BRUARY 20, 2015
    Bill Arvo oh “crap” thermotron sales man– and backstabbing liar
    bill arvo
    Small world.. the man i was training to fly paragliders has known bill arvo for about 30 years.. i told him obviously he lives a double life.. because just about every outside sales man i have worked with was fully engaged in thief and embesslment.. (except bill slonker, i think).
    Yes i told him i knew about Bill Arvo.. because the sales embezzler i worked with always talked about him winning the “clock” sales award…And Bill Arvo knew all about the details of Bo Bjarno.. Except of course how 2 years earler i talked about it with Dick Mckennley when Tom Bannash and he were harassing the securtary to drum her out..
    As i told him The Whole west coast was nothing more than a Den a Liers, Theves and Embezzlers.. and actually Bo Bjarno has better character that Tom Bannish. Bacause all of Bannash’s Pet theves were stealing way over 10 thousand to as much as 30 thousand..
    He did say Good People are hard to find .. which is why he was doing the set up work with his little company called “Test” i guess you guys owned 49 % of it for a while..

    Any way… even funner… i ended up interviewing .. at Turner’s company EETS II , or something like that.. where Tom Bannish is.. .

    I thanked him for his time but told him that i couldn’t work where Tom Bannask was employed.. Because in short it was such a horrable time working under him with all the different liers, theves and embezzlers, and that he bragged what a good lier he was, and every one would go along with what he said..
    I don’t need that working environment again..I found it rather unhealthy working with murders, liers and thieves.
    But as the Bible says the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy.

  3. Thermotron obituary Shelly joy post
    Many people like to believe that they are a good judge of character, but sadly, that’s not always the case. There’s nothing worse than finding out that someone you thought you could trust is apparently nothing like what you believed them to be. However, don’t fault yourself for not knowing because these people are skilled in deception and manipulation. They are parasites who will take advantage of you to get what they want, but they do not care about your needs. They are selfish and inconsiderate, with no qualms hurting other people. And there’s a lot of them out there, pretending to be and acting like regular people. They’re in schools, in the workplace, in churches—everywhere. They could be among your friends or your colleagues. So how do you know if someone you are dealing with has bad intentions or not? Take a look at these 30 warning signs that someone you know is actually evil.
