Friday, October 9, 2015

thermotron - Hello Mudda! the new presedent

Mark Lamers – The Greatest Man in the World– and Fred Plont training at Thermotron

Mark Lamers – The Greatest Man in the World– and Fred Plont training at Thermotron


when i talked to ENSECO they said well– we will talk to Fred Plont
Fred Plont career at thermotron consisted of ,
1.. falisfying your travel time (embezzling)
2… Falisfying your labor time (embezzling)
3.   Padding  your charges   (stealing)
4.. Take the customer to lunch!!
Hey —- it looks like Fred Plont’s job at thermotron was the same as Dean Tripp !!
or Hil Sybesma, and certainly like Gregory V Johnson—
and ENSECO fired — Gregory V Johnson– in about 3 months–
and they wondered how he managed to be employed at thermotron

under the management  thomas Bannach and roger Cannady and associates  for 3 years
— and all he was capable of doing — was changing solenoids??
Yes under thomas Bannach– his job was to lie cheat and defraud his co workers– steal and rob the customer’s and embezzle all he could.. rob the customers and steal every thing he could–

Virgina Norris the last office support personall — said she was quiting — because Thomas bannach and gregory v Johnson — told her they were going to harass and drum out — the remaining field service engineer–

Yes when Bill Bench at Russles technical Products said — Gee why did you leave thermotron–

When the reply was ” Thomas Bannach was lying and defrauding his co workers– and promoted robbery thief and embezzlement–

Bill Bench at russles Technical products –– got a bit “tongue tied” and studdered-— well we’ll try not to lie to you then–

and this was only possible for about a week–Image

then he told me working for him and Russles technicial products  “required” their field service engineers to lie cheat and defraud the customer when ever necessary!

so it was time to QUIT that job.. Because Jesus — is my LORD — not a holland michigan  church goer pervert

or a creepy white chackerImage

maybe that is why Berry Wright — who replaced thomas bannach–
only worked at thermotron for about a year !!
who know??   who cares??? no–one i met

Jim Roelofs is here but kicking back a little,
we have tried to give him more responsibility several times and he says “No
He’s reached that stage where he realizes responsibility has more drawbacks that positives and is real comfortable where he is – smart.
It amazes me how things repeat themselves and if you just pay attention to history you have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happennext.Hope things are well with you .Tom P.
interesting that jim r is with u.. because “Curt” who replaced bo bjarno.. said all he did at thermotron was walk around with a good grip on his ankles..
When we told chryel the 4th secretary that left the office, to mention to tom bannash .. that bo bjarno was drunk every day and it scared her..

Verginia Norris was the last secretary that thomas bannach and Gregory V Johnson– drove out–

She told me that they were going to drum out paul saint– and she didn’t want to have any part of that–

Paul SAint did call up thermotron and talked to human resourses — when they told him they were going to give him his 5 year award for working at thermotron— he asked them if they knew that thomas bannach was going to harass him and drum him out..

they didn’t know how to answer that– well — i guess Tamera Kennedy was not their at that time–

but when Dave Waterfield — spoke to him  after he QUIT — Dave waterfiled blamed him for the embezzlement of Gregory V Jophnson–

yes Thomas bannach was not responsible for the robbey thief embezzlement and slandering of the employee’s and more

Thermotron– where everyone is a pervert– ASK Fred PLONt the life long liar,thief embezzler


  1. Having worked with Thomas bannach and knowing him and the family for 40 years . It's no surprise that David bannach discovered the verse Many are called but FEW are chosen. Prophets knew his time as a pastor in New York was short. And Keven bannach has the opportunity to work with Many sales guys from thermotron. And at the company call espec . Who's motto is . As Thomas Patterson said. Gee after you deceived the 1st 500 people it gets easer don't you want to go into management.? As Jesus said to saint Paul.
    1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the ...
    No one who is immoral or worships idols or is unfaithful in marriage or is a pervert or behaves like a homosexual ... Don't you know that wicked people won't inherit the kingdom of God?

  2. Shelly and mark Lamers prediction of thermotron employees for 40 years of experience. She would tell her co worker when Tom bannach was replacing them. In 3 years tom bannach replacement of 9 people in the San Francisco office, 5 people in the Seattle office,and in California conga park office 12 people . She said it was just political or something like that. Well mark Lamers said good people don't work there at thermotron very long. After thermotron it's Sexton industries. With the same delusional beliefs. As Tom Patterson said after you drive out the 1st 100 people it gets easier.

  3. Pretty boy Patterson manager training
    April 19, 2022
    When John tembrink worked with thermotron he begged Bob Wiley to allow him to attend the thermotron training seminar and stop working at Boeing military installation of solder job of 6 chamber, which he all ready spent 4 months in Kansas soldering pipe, so John tembrink went to the week long seminar and spend the week running around Holland Michigan getting customers to get "drunk" with him. So
    Bob Wiley said he wasn't going to get the certificate and celebrate completion of training.
    He said he hopes John tembrink didn't work like that at at Boeing military installation ,which as dick alverson said he was.
    It's interesting about t

    Thermotron and the people who have worked there, and the philosophy of the managers leaders and employee, John tembrink and Tom Patterson and Randy hurtus and Fred plont and Donald bench the president John Sexton replaced and worked on the equipment and they were not going to have to be skilled, Holland Michigan religious traditions have a strong influence on behavior, how to feel good about being bad just get the customer to sign off on the equipment it's under Warranty.

    John tembrink
    March 28, 2022
    Thomas Bannach had 30 years as a thermotron employee–
    and 3 years as a manager on the west coast — he provoted lying,cheating sateal , embexxleing, miss-leading the customer and co workers– so he could assassinate their character — and murder them–
    Gregory V Johnson — bragged how — as a false wittness — he and Bannach– libled ,slandered- all the employee’s in that office–
    and how he robbed the customers and his co workers– but he said he wasn’t as big of a thief as Hil Sybesma– thomas bannach’s church going holland michigan embezzlerImage
    He went on to ENSECO chamber company– where it only took 3 or 4 months — to get fired there– and as Marty Bunn said he went to his house on the weekend to find him– and fire him–
    talk to Tanera Kennedy or
    Elaine Johnson at THE
